Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas on wheels

Getting ready for Christmas on wheels. This is our first Christmas on wheels. No kids, no grandkids (we miss them), just the two of us and Niki spending Christmas in T or C NM.

Here is Niki getting ready to deliver Christmas joy as a Rudolf stand in.

Here is Chris' 14' tree. Well 14" anyway.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico

We are here in Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico.

The country is just awesome. Pictures just don't do it justice. The mountain behind the tower on the right is about 50 miles away, and the mountains on the left are about 300 miles away.

Gonna soak in the hot springs today.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Bill's Beer Cans

Went to see the RV Park Manager's beer can collection. Bill collects beer cans and other collectibles mostly John Wayne stuff. Bill has 3 full rooms of beer cans 23,894 in all. And 3 more rooms of trade cans. He has one can worth $19,000.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Snow in W. TX - Dog's first snow

Ok take this snow and shove it. We don't do cold anymore. It should be in the high 70s here at this time of the year. About an inch and a half and still coming down fairly heavy. They are saying it's going to snow all night. This is the first snow that Niki has ever seen. She didn't know what to make of it, but after a few minutes she thought it was fun. I kept telling her whe wasn't a husky and I didn't say mush.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Scoter arives

Well the scooter finally arrived. DHL doesn't know where Ft. Stockton is. LOL

Got it all together and rode around a little now it's on charge till the morning.

Niki thinks it's gonna get me and she has to defend me from this evil thing.

Gonna be the coldest time we've had since Idiot Jam for the next 4 days.

Not scooter related.
This is yesterday afternoon.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Pete is ready for Christmas

Driving by today and noticed that Pete is in his Christmas finery.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Counter as finished as it's gonna be

Still in Ft. Stockton, TX and will be till Dec 1
Finished counter as much as it's gonna be for now.

Computer end of counter.

Under counter bungeed in PA system, Monitor, Bass Amp, Busking Amp and everything except speaker and mic stands.

Guitar end of counter.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

out with the couch in with the counter

Had a couch we didn't use. Took it out and spent 2 days building a counter to put the sound equipment under and the guitars beside. Finished except for the handles and the bungie attachements.

Still here in Ft. Stockton TX

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nov 4

Nothing happening today, but play some music and do the laundry.
Got up on the old time so a long afternoon nap is in order.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Paisano Pete welcomed us to Ft. Stockton

On the road Ft. Stocton TX

Last Aug. Chris and I started on our wandering. We've been to GA, AL, MS, AR, MO, IA, KS, OK and TX now.

We've been playing music when we can get a gig.

This seemed like a easy way to keep people updated.

Chipmonk Doug